
Gap Year

Is a Gap Year After Class 12th Right For You? Pros and Cons Explained

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Want to take a break to prepare for competitive exams like NEET or CUET-UG? Or do you want to enhance your passions?

Have you ever decided to step out of your comfort zone and explore a completely different field like vlogging? Have you ever wondered about the pros and cons of taking a gap year after high school?

By the end of this blog, you will have an idea about what a gap year is, whether it will be beneficial for you, and the pros and cons of a gap year after high school.

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What is a gap year?

What is a gap year?

A gap year, often referred to as a sabbatical year, is a lengthy period of break that one takes off from work or an academic journey. During this time, students can aim for self-discovery and differentiate themselves from the crowd by developing skills or exploring new areas.

This gap typically lasts for 12 months, or it could be more depending on your objectives. While taking a gap is important for introspection, gaining experience during this period is advised for a better future. In later years, you can demonstrate the things you learned from your exposure during this year that you were unable to learn in a traditional setting.

To prepare for entering the competitive world, students often take a vacation from regular studies. This period is generally termed a “gap year”. Other terms for this include leap year, drop year, overseas experience, and more.

Why take a gap year?

Taking a gap year to find your best-fit career or shifting to a different career is normal. According to a study, from the year 2012 to the academic year 2021/22, the number of students taking a gap year increased by 52.1%, from 24,195 to 36,790.

When you are planning to take a gap year, you must consider various factors such as whether it would help you in the long run, how to manage your funds, and have a rough idea of what you want to do during this period.

Now let’s explore the pros and cons of a gap year after high school!

Pros and cons of gap year after high school

Pros and cons of gap year after high school

Here, we have listed 5 pros and cons of a gap year after high school:

1. Pro: It helps in self-reflection.

Taking a year off from your academics helps you reflect on what you truly enjoy. This time offers you an opportunity to explore your often-overlooked interests. Without academic pressure, you can immerse yourself in tasks that provide fulfillment. 

Also, during this period, you can reconsider your plans and potentially pursue a different path. A gap year utilized properly can be transformative, provide clarity, and give direction to your academic journey.

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Con: You might lose academic momentum

When you take a gap year, the best scenario is that you come back refreshed, motivated, and have a clearer vision. But you might lose academic momentum. 

The transition back to studies might be difficult but not impossible if you have worked on drafting a future approach. Before you take a long break, consider analyzing whether it will be helpful academically or personally or if it will hamper your goals.

It’s worth noting that 66% of students who took a gap year took their studies more seriously after spending a year off.

2. Pro: It might appear impressive on your resume

If you adhere to a detailed strategy and make the most of your time, it might look good and impress employers. During this period of self-discovery, you can work, gain experience, learn soft skills that will help you survive in the job market, and more. 

You can also utilize this time for traveling, acknowledging yourself with cultural awareness as well as developing a strong ability to live independently.

Con: It may not be economically convenient.

If you are planning to travel and explore during your gap year, it is important to calculate the costs, depending on the destination and duration. With proper organization, a gap year abroad might be relatively inexpensive. 

You must be aware of the costs involved to avoid financial strain. This arrangement is also crucial to ensure that you manage your finances effectively, a skill that will surely help you in the future.

3. Pro: It allows you to work and earn

University life is undeniably expensive, therefore there’s no shame in working during your gap period to gather funds. Working will give you the required experience for the future and forge your path to becoming financially independent. 

With all the challenges in your gap year, you will learn how to stand out from the crowd. Every 4 out of 5 students take up a job to fund their gap year.

Con: You might end up wasting your valuable time

It would help if you had a clear plan when you decide to take a gap year after high school. This plan may include strategies to boost your career, be productive, add skills, and more. Otherwise, you will end up losing your valuable time. 

The last thing you want is to look back and realize that the most productive thing you did was binge-watch a series – it’s never going to look good on your resume. So, plan out proper strategies to boost yourself in the coming years.

4. Pro: This can help you prepare better for university.

A gap year can teach you more valuable lessons than a classroom, a truth that cannot be denied. Especially if you travel, you will gain many more abilities to live and work independently, adjust to every situation, and expand your network.

The connections you form with people from diverse backgrounds will contribute a lot to your personal and professional life. All these experiences will prepare you better for upcoming university life. The real-world experience will foster resilience, resourcefulness, and a perspective that is often hard to earn in a traditional academic setting.

Con: It’s a risk.

Taking a gap year is filled with risks if you don’t plan well. You might face financial strain, be mentally drained, experience delays in achieving your goals, or be unable to adjust to a new routine. 

However, these risks are often overlooked due to the immersive benefits that come once you step out of your comfort zone and explore. Whether you choose this path or not, acknowledge that spending time with yourself, acquiring new skills, or traveling will surely have a fruitful impact on your life journey.

5. Pro: It could be a once-in-a-lifetime experience.

Once you’re a fully-fledged working adult, holidays become a dream. Taking a gap year allows you to escape from reality and enjoy, especially if you’re traveling. However, traveling is not the only way to make the most of the gap year. 

You can also devote your time to passions you’ve always wanted to pursue. You could spend time reading novels, develop life skills like cooking or swimming, or even upskill yourself. Another option could be volunteering or internships, which will provide valuable experience and practical understanding. A gap year can be a time for growth and self-discovery.

Con: You will be a year behind.

When you opt for a gap year, you will have to consider the fact that your friends will be settled in the university by the time you get there. You might feel left out or have to work harder to settle into university life once you arrive. 

Delaying your entry might mean postponing a year of earning a salary, gaining experience, or advancing in your chosen domain. You must do proper research and be aware of these setbacks before you take a gap year. But remember that you might be late, but you’re not alone. Various websites like Go Abroad, and Munich Business School have also explained gap year in a detailed way.


Conclusion- Gap Year

By now, we hope that you have an idea about what a gap year entails. A gap year is more common than you might think. Everyone is different, and everyone takes their own time to discover, so it’s fine if you’re taking your own time to climb high on your ladder.

If you want to know more about a gap year or want to know strategies to make the most of the gap year, then feel free to avail of EnrichMyCareer’s Career Counselling Session.

If you want to know more about us, read about us at EnrichMyCareer.

 Frequently asked questions

1. Is it ok to take a drop after the 12th?

If you are someone who wants to explore various career options, taking a gap year might help you. For others, it might not be necessary. There’s no right or wrong answer to this question.

2. What are the advantages and disadvantages of taking up a gap year?

The pros of a gap year include a journey of self-discovery, traveling, and getting hands-on experience. Whereas, the cons of a gap year might include financial strain, risks, and fear of being left out.

3. Is a gap year a problem?

The answer to this question is that if you utilize your time well in the gap year, that is spend time upskilling and reskilling, getting experience, and inculcating new habits then the gap year will give a fruitful result. 

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