3 Must Read Stories about Mental Health struggle
Today, on the day of World Mental Health Day, I would like to share 3 Must Read Stories about Mental Health struggle and other psychological issues. I hope it helps you.
Diary of an Angry Sadia
6th March, Sunday.
Dear Diary, I am Sadia. I am seven years old. I study in class one. My teacher has given me this diary project. I have to write in it every Sunday.
13th March, Sunday.
Today, my Ammu brought a baby brother to me. His name is Rehan. He is very small, just like my doll, Tara. He doesn’t do much, but I love him. Ammu told me he would grow soon and play with me.
20th March, Sunday.
It has been a week, but Rehan still stays in Ammu’s lap. Ammu never picks me. Abbu picks me up when he comes home, but he then goes to pick up the baby.
27th March, Sunday.
Abbu was angry with me. Ammu says I am not allowed to play with Rehan. I only put a grape in his mouth. I didn’t do anything wrong. I hope they realise their mistake.
3rd April, Sunday.
My teacher made me stand on the bench because I didn’t do the homework. I told Abbu to help, but he was busy because Rehan was crying all day. Rehan is not a good boy. I hate him.
10th April, Sunday.
I don’t want to go to school. The teacher will scold me. Abbu says I am becoming a bad girl. I don’t like Idly. everyday Idly. I hate everyone.
17th April, Sunday.
Ammu says I am crying a lot. Abbu says I am shouting a lot. They never listened to me. I hate them. I want new Ammu and Abbu. They only love Rehan.

24th April, Sunday.
Ammu and Abbu took me to see a doctor. He was a good doctor. He did not give me any injections. He only talked to me and gave me a lollipop.
1st May, Sunday.
I am happy. Ammu and Abbu took me to the park. We played and ate ice cream. Ammu played with me today. I love you, Ammu. I love you, Abbu.
8th May, Sunday.
Rehan is growing up. He is learning to smile. Ammu says I taught him to smile. I like him. Abbu says I am his didi. It is good to have a baby brother.
Discussion: Like Sadia, many kids struggle for attention after a new baby comes into seeing. Sadia’s mother and father, like most couples, were struggling with the new baby, which made her feel ignored and resulted in her anger issues.
Toddlers and kids can have anger issues for various reasons. It could be a learning disability, ADHD, or in this case, lack of attention. It is normal for kids to show angry behaviour. It happens because they are learning new kinds of emotions but don’t know how to express them in a healthy way. Here, you can take your kid to a child counsellor like Sadia’s parents did. An experienced counsellor will guide you and help your kid with anger issues.
Why Don’t You Talk?
“Neeraj! Are you alright, son? Mom inquired; her voice worried.
“Yes!” Neeraj replied.
“Then why don’t you talk my son?” mom inquired
“…” Neeraj looked at his mom with questioning eyes.
“Tell me, son. “You can tell us anything,” Mom said again.
“I have no problem. Why don’t you guys understand? I have told you many times. ” Neeraj was trying to control his voice.
Then Neeraj was bombarded with questions from both his mother and father.
“Then why don’t you talk?”
“Is someone blackmailing you?”
“Are you on drugs?
“Is this about a girl?”
“Are you homosexual?”
Neeraj didn’t say anything. He rushed to his room and locked it from the inside.
“Don’t walk away. Talk to us. Why don’t you talk to us? ” Dad Shouted.
“Please don’t yell. What if he does something? ” Mom was pleading in the back.
Mom and dad were worried sick. They were feeling lost and frustrated.
It had been over a month since Neeraj stopped talking to his parents. Neeraj, a class nine student, the only child of his parents, was known for his mischievous, talkative ways. But recently, he has detached himself from the world. He would mostly stay confined to his room and would only come out for dinner or to go out.
Mom and Dad were anxious that something was troubling him. They were being patient and were trying their best to deal with it smartly. But today, they could not take it anymore.

The next morning, they were hesitant. They were waiting for Neeraj to come out of his room. When he came to the dining table for breakfast, mom and dad could sense uneasiness in his behavior. Nobody said anything. Neeraj left for school.
Mom and Dad decided to pay a visit to his school. They met his class teacher. They had a sigh of relief when they learnt that his performance in school was as usual. He never showed any unusual behaviour.
“Then what is the matter?” “Why wouldn’t our son talk to us?” mom asked dad on their way back.
“Is he angry with us?” Dad wondered.
“You know what, I am going to make his favourite dinner tonight. You go and bring him the phone he asked for last month. I don’t care about the cost. I need my son back. ” Mom gave Dad instructions. Dad responded with a nod.
They were prepared to use whatever they had in their arsenal to make things better. But before they could execute their plan, Neeraj came home shouting.
“Mom! Dad! Did you go behind my back to meet my teacher? Why did you do that? What did you say to her? Wasn’t it enough that you accused me of doing drugs and what-not last night? You humiliated me. Why do you guys hate me so much?
“No son, that was not our intention. “We were worried about you,” Mom tried to explain.
“We just want you to talk to us. Be normal….”
“That’s it! I don’t want to live with you. I am going to Grandma’s tonight. I have called her and she is coming to pick me up. Neeraj interrupted Dad before he could finish his sentence.
Neeraj stormed off, leaving mom and dad baffled. Grandma came after some time, and Neeraj left with her. Nobody said anything. At night, mom called grandma.
“Ma, how is Neeraj? Did he say something to you? What did he say to you?
“He is fine. He is in his room. He didn’t say anything. He just asked me to come to pick him up. Now, tell me what happened amongst you. ” Grandma asked.
Mom started to cry. Dad took over the phone and explained the whole ordeal to her.
“Hmmm… so that’s the issue.”
“Yes, ma! Please talk to him. Ask what happened to him. ” Dad begged.
“Mohan, if his performance in school is fine, then I think we have nothing to worry about. It is just his age. He is growing up. His hormones are making him feel so much. Because of this, sometimes teenagers do not talk.”
“Are you sure?” he questioned, with a hint of disbelief.
“Yes! Totally. ” Are you questioning my degree and years of experience in child psychology?” Grandma scolded lovingly.
“No Ma, not at all. We were just curious,” explained the Dad sheepishly. “
“Don’t you remember your rebellious phase when you used to lock your door and play loud music in your room? Just have patience, dear son. It is just a phase. Let him grow as a person. Just be there so he can come to you whenever he feels comfortable. “
“OK, Ma!” said both mom and dad with a tone of satisfaction.
Discussion: The teenage years are strange times. Adolescent kids go through various hormonal changes. It is necessary to understand and address it. Different kids deal with adolescence differently. Some become aggressive, while others like Neeraj, become quiet.
It was a good thing that Neeraj’s grandmother was a trained psychologist and understood what was happening. But that is not the case for every household. So, it is good to keep an eye on your child’s behaviour but it is also important to learn about the signs of trouble.
Even the most talkative kid can become silent. Give space to your child as a parent. Try to be friendly and approachable to whatever extent possible. Be there so they can approach you when they feel like it.
I Don’t Want the Promotion
It was appraisal time. The whole office was busy trying to fix everything. Mayank was busy crunching numbers on his laptop when Vaibhav interrupted him.
“You must be relaxed, right? Everyone knows you are the best performer here, and you will get the promotion. “
“What promotion?” asked Mayank.
“Didn’t you hear? The best performer will get a promotion and will most likely be sent to the headquarters in California.” Abhay joined the conversation.
“No! I am not aware of it.” Mayank claimed.
“Well, you should start packing for California,” Vaibhav said while sipping his coffee and left.
Mayank started to sweat. Suddenly, he felt like the office was disappearing. He was unable to move, and he started feeling heaviness in his chest. He ran out of the office and rushed to his home.
He lived alone in an apartment nearby. He hid under the blanket.
The next day was the day of the appraisal. Mayank did not go to the office. His manager called, but Mayank did not pick up the call. He stayed in bed the whole day. He was unable to figure out what was happening to him.

Suddenly, he heard his doorbell ring. He decided to ignore it, but whoever was at the door was not about to give up. Mayank finally got up and opened the door. It was his manager, Adarsh Patel.
“What happened, man? Why are you absent today? Not answering the call. Not answering the door? All well?” Adarsh threw questions at once.
“A…. actually….. You know what……” It was as if Mayank had forgotten how to talk.
“Can I come in first?” Adarsh asked.
“Oh please. Come on in. I am sorry for not….” Mayank tried to explain.
“No need to explain. I know what you are doing, Mayank. It is called self-sabotage. Let’s talk, shall we? ” Adarsh interrupted Mayank and said in a firm but compassionate voice.
“Yesterday some people tipped you off about the promotion and you panicked. I saw you rushing out of the office yesterday. Listen, I am not going to let my best man go just because he is having a panic attack. So, let’s talk. ”
“I don’t know what to say. I don’t know what is happening. I guess I don’t want the promotion. I am fine where I am and settled in work and I am not up for the challenge. Can you please make the promotion go away? ” beseeched Mayank in a lost voice.
“Hmm… I knew it. You know, Mayank, I was once in the same position. God knows how many promotions I have avoided by quitting the job just before the appraisal.
“The fear of success” is a serious issue and it is crippling you.” Adarsh tried to explain.
“Fear of success? Is that a thing? ” Mayank asked in a puzzled tone as he tried to laugh.
“Yes, my dear, and I suggest you get help. I am booking an appointment for you. Dr. Sinha is a friend of mine and he will be able to help you.” declared Adarsh.
Discussion: Like “fear of failure”, “fear of success” is also a serious issue. It may have many underlying causes. People with a fear of success usually try to self-sabotage subconsciously. It is important to identify and accept the issue. Take professional help. Building a career requires a lot of help on various fronts.
It is advisable that psychological issues are dealt with by taking professional help, and career-related issues are dealt with by consulting a career coach or counsellor.
So those were my stories about mental health struggles. Mental health issues can affect anyone at any age. Be it kids, parents, a working professional, a struggling person, a successful person, or anyone else. It is necessary to identify your issue and get professional help.
At some point in life, everyone needs guidance in career growth. EnrichMyCareer dedicates this post to everyone who is trying to achieve their goal despite struggling with mental issues.
Dear readers, if you find yourself at any career or education-related crossroads, give us a call or visit our website.
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Nishant is an Internationally Certified Career Coach, a Career Counsellor, an Education Consultant, a Soft Skills Trainer, and an ardent advocate of youth empowerment through personalized guidance, mentoring, and developmental interventions. He is also an International Economic Development and Business Consultant. Over the years, he has helped many students of different age groups and working professionals in discovering their true selves, setting appropriate career goals, and walking the right career paths.
Nishant is a mechanical engineering alumnus from R.V. College of Engineering, Bangalore. He has been widely featured in top media and also delivered talks at Cambridge University-UK and IIT-Guwahati among others. He has also delivered workshops at many reputed schools and colleges on various careers and skills-related topics.